- It’s easy to view business telephony as a simple utility but used strategically, our services can help your business work more intelligently. That might involve answering calls faster, improving your customer’s call experience or simply cutting your voice costs. Unlike other providers we don’t have a call connect charge or a minimum call charge and we bill by the second.
High-quality business telephony services are a prerequisite for almost every business. If you want to reduce your expenses without sacrificing performance, Calls and Lines delivers high quality business telephony with extremely competitive calls costs, while allowing you to retain your BT lines and numbers.
We use an independent third party to show you by how much you could reduce your call costs so you know in advance what the service can offer and how much money you are likely to save. Your calls are routed over the DMV network, using Carrier Pre Selection without needing any of your equipment or numbers to be changed.
If you want to reduce your expenses without sacrificing quality Calls and Lines delivers a high-quality service with extremely competitive call costs, while allowing you to retain your BT telephone lines and numbers. Switching is easy and seamless, with no down time on your phone lines.
Some of the benefits of choosing Calls and Lines:
- Extremely competitive
A highly competitive call tariff that is guaranteed to beat BT by 25%.
- Honest and transparent
We use an independent third party to analyse your bill, and show you how much you can save. There are no hidden charges – e.g. we don’t have any “call connect” charges.
- Immediate savings
Quick and easy to set up so you can start saving in a couple of weeks. There’s nothing to sign – just say YES and we’ll do it all for you and send you a copy of the contract.
- Peace of mind
The Openreach network is the UK’s largest business network and is constantly monitored so you can be assured of maximum performance and reliability.
- Highly flexible
As your business grows the service can be set up across an individual site or multiple sites and individual telephone numbers.
- You’re in control
Ability to easily view and analyse your bills.
If you want to get rid of costly ISDN line rental fees and make your voice system more agile and flexible, but don’t want to get rid of equipment that’s still fit-for-purpose, SIP Trunking is the answer.
Our cloud-based SIP Trunking service provides an IP connection from your existing PBX infrastructure, allowing you to make calls over your data connection. This gives you all the benefits of IP voice, such as advanced call handling and routing, without replacing your entire phone system. ISDN line rental expenses are removed, and you’re also getting more out of your data connection.
Call routing changes can be made instantly using the online portal which offers intuitive, point-and-click number management, and lets you deploy cloud-hosted services such as voicemail, call recording and automated IVR services.

SIP is an acronym for Session Initiation Protocol. This might not mean much to you at the moment. however it is one of the most rapidly growing technologies in telephony replacing ISDN2 and ISDN30 technologies.